RosePad Update #1

RoseHub Platform
3 min readApr 21, 2022

Dear Community,

We will be releasing a series of quick ~weekly updates through our medium and social channels. This is the first of its series. Also, you will be able to find most of the information needed within our GitBook here!

UI & Design

We have finalized our UI/UX design with frontend of all parts of the platform including launchpad-DEX, staking and farms. We have worked hard with a professional UI team for weeks on this. Here are some sneak peaks:


As promised, we have launched our updated landing part of the website
It includes all socials, platform features, roadmap, team profile and partners list. It will be updated as we go including reveal of tiers next week.

Guess the Tiers!

Before we reveal final tiers and structure, we have launched a campaign “Guess the Tiers” on our Discord. Winners share 3 RoseApe NFTs. First and lowest tier custom artwork has been already reveled. We are happy with the results! Are you?

Social Channels

We have revamped our Discord group to focus more on the RosePad launchpad. Also, we just opened our Telegram groups to the public here.


We have engaged with multiple potential partners. Announcements will come as we progress. Soon we will have an exciting partner to share with you as well as AMA with them next week.

Whitelist Process

We will open whitelisting for $RPAD token sale as the first IDO on our RosePad platform. Stay tuned for more information next week.

About RosePad

RosePad is a premium Launchpad with DEX and NFTs on Oasis Network. It will be a go-to platform for fundraising, trading and connecting to the Oasis community. RosePad will provide a platform to hand-picked launch projects on Oasis Network that aims to bring real impact and value to the communities while contributing to mass adoption of Oasis blockchain.

🌐 Landing Page

⌨️ Telegram

🐦 Twitter RosePad

🐦 Twitter RoseApes NFTs

💻 Discord

📋 Gitbook

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RoseHub Platform

🌹RoseHub is a Premium DeFi platform on Oasis Network with DEX, aggregated liquidity, staking, launchpad and more.