RosePad Update #3

RoseHub Platform
2 min readJul 12, 2022

Dear Community,

It has been quite some time since our last update. Due to the market conditions, we have been focusing on platform development and preparing for launch. We have also run a few campaigns via RoseApe community.


We are pleased to inform you that we have engaged reputable auditor of our codebase last week. Audit should be done within 2–3 weeks, after which we will address any issues that arises.

Besides that, we have hired extra help to build extra features over next couple months for our DEX such as liquidity aggregator and integrated graphs. We aim to be the only DEX you will ever need on Oasis system with further exciting developments planned along the road. This is all possible thanks to our partner who put a trust in us financially.

Lastly, we have news about exciting partnership; however, we cannot share until it is finalized.


We ran multiple campaign by giving away RoseApe NFTs.

  • We participated in Oasis NFT community day on 27th of June and gave away 3 NFTs to the winners. Campaign was mostly via Discord where the distribution took place.
  • To celebrate launch of MetaMirror Gallery v2, we participated within their event and distributed 5 RoseApe NFTs.
  • Lastly, we did a giveaway campaign in partnership with Fit-J via Gleam and distributed 3 RoseApe NFTs. Fit-J also distributed 3 NFTs of their own to the lucky winners.

Stay tuned for more giveaways in the upcoming weeks.


We will soon start whitelisting campaign for those who want to obtain RPAD tokens before the launch and after audit is complete. We are also working on potential IEO and external IDO and CEX listing upon launch.


As we finished with smart contracts, we are now focusing on making last changes to UI. Also, audit will be finalized within 2–3 weeks and depending on the outcome launch should happen within few weeks afterwards. Meanwhile, we are working on extra features. Remember, silence means we are working hard behind the scenes!

About RosePad

RosePad is a premium Launchpad with DEX and NFTs on Oasis Network. It will be a go-to platform for fundraising, trading and connecting to the Oasis community. RosePad will provide a platform to launch hand-picked projects on Oasis Network that aims to bring real impact and value to the communities while contributing to mass adoption of Oasis blockchain.

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RoseHub Platform

🌹RoseHub is a Premium DeFi platform on Oasis Network with DEX, aggregated liquidity, staking, launchpad and more.